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Check out our delicious flavors!


We are so excited to show you our best honey flavors :) stay tunned we have many more comming!

White Mangrove

Produced primarily at the florida keys from March thru April.

This honey is a rare Florida honey. Due to construction along our coastal areas, abundant areas of mangroves suitable for honey production are hard to find.



FLAVOR: It has a very flavory sweet taste.


The fan-shaped leaves have saw-toothed petioles and arise from an underground stem to form a dense mass of foliage. The flower clusters consist of hundreds of small white flowers which open in May and June. Saw palmetto is found from North Carolina to Florida and west along the Gulf Coast to Texas. It is the leading source of palm honey.



FLAVOR: This honey is a rich rellow color with a mild, pleasant flavor.

Brazilian Pepper

Brazilian Pepper is a sprawling shrub or small tree (7-10 m tall) that is native to subtropical and tropical South America, in southeastern Brazil, northern Argentina and Paraguay. Planted originally as an ornamental outside of its native range, Brazilian pepper has become widespread and is considered an invasive species in many subtropical regions with moderate to high rainfall, including the United States (primarily Florida and Hawaii). This species is also known as Hawaiian Christmas Berry. Brazilian Pepper honey is frequently used as a bakery grade honey.


FLAVOR: A darker honey with a greenish tint, it has a wildflower-type flavor.

Orange Blossom

Orange blossom is produced in central Florida between January and February. The Orange blossom is the fragrant flower of the Citrus sinensis (orange tree). Orange blossom honey (citrus honey) is produced by putting beehives in the citrus groves during blooming period. This also pollinates seeded citrus varieties. Orange blossom honey is highly prized and tastes much like the fruit.


FLAVOR: A white to extra-light amber honey with a distinctive flavor and the aroma of orange blossoms.


Melaleuca species come from the Myrtaceae family. The best-accepted common name for Melaleuca is simply melaleuca; however most of the larger species are also known as tea tree, and the smaller types as honey myrtles, while those species in which the bark is shed in flat, flexible sheets are referred to as paperbarks.


Their flowers are crowded together in a spike of variable length, usually red or pink with numerous stamens, the fruits are woody capsules crowded together.





A shrub up to six feet tall with numerous small, white flowers and black berries.  It blooms in the spring in the south Atlantic and Gulf States.  Gallberry honey does not granulate even in cold temperatures.


FLAVOR: A light amber honey with a yellowish cast. The honey has an aromatic aftertaste which is very popular with consumers in the area.


Almond Honey

The almond is a small deciduous tree belonging to the subfamily Prunoideae of the family Rosaceae; an almond is also the fruit of this tree. The plant is classified with the peach in the subgenus Amygdalus within Prunus, distinguished from the other subgenera by the corrugated seed shell. The leaves are lanceolate, 6-12 cm long, and serrated at the edges. The flowers are white or pale pink, 3-5 cm diameter with five petals, produced before the leaves in early spring.


FLAVOR: Almond honey has a more bold flavor.

Wild Flowers

Wild flowers is roduced all year long. Bees make sweet wildflower honey from the fragrant pollen of trees, bushes, flowers and herbs near their hive. It's a rich source of calories and carbohydrates to provide you with a quick energy boost.


Eating local honey reduces the symptoms of annoying seasonal allergies. Use honey in moderation, as it's high in sugar, and don't feed it to infants to avoid potential negative effects.

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